Johanna Visser


In 1997, Johanna Visser moved to Olyfberg, then known as Aasvoëlkop. Married to Piet Visser, a farm manager at Olyfberg, she has two daughters, Janine and Nicole, who also live and work on the farm, along with her two grandchildren, both born there.

Reflecting on the transformation of Olyfberg, Johanna is filled with pride, knowing she contributed to its growth. When she arrived, there were no olive trees; she was part of the team that initiated their planting. Every morning, the workers gather for a prayer, a ritual Johanna finds deeply meaningful and motivating.

A firm believer in teamwork, she operates the sorting machine during harvest and works outdoors at other times. Johanna was the first to produce the popular Tapenade, and she values her job highly, considering it a great privilege to live and work at Olyfberg. She and her family are very happy there.

Sy het in 1997 op Olyfberg kom woon, toe dit nog as Aasvoëlkop bekend gestaan het. Johanna is getroud met Piet Visser, een van die plaasbestuurders op Olyfberg. Hulle het twee dogters en twee kleinkinders. Haar dogters, Janine en Nicole Visser, woon en werk ook op Olyfberg. Haar twee kleinkinders is albei op Olyfberg gebore.

Wanneer sy terugdink aan hoe die plaas destyds gelyk het in vergelyking met vandag, raak sy opgewonde, want sy besef dat sy ook ‘n deel gehad het in die harde werk om Olyfberg te laat groei. Toe sy op Olyfberg aankom, was daar nog geen olyfbome nie en sy was deel van die span wat die olyfbome begin plant het.

Elke oggend het die werkers ‘n godsdienstige tydjie gehad voordat hulle begin werk het. Johanna sê dit beteken so baie vir hulle en dra hulle deur die dag. Sy glo in spanwerk.

Tydens oestyd werk sy by die sorteermasjien, en ander tye werk sy buite. Sy was die eerste werker wat die gewilde tapenade begin maak het. Sy glo dat as ‘n mens ‘n werk het, moet jy dit waardeer.

Dit is vir haar ‘n groot voorreg om op Olyfberg te woon en te werk. Sy en haar familie is baie gelukkig daar.

Dear Client, We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you that our olive oil will be temporarily out of stock until March. This is because our next harvest, which is essential for producing our olive oil, will not take place until then. We understand how important this product is to your needs, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are committed to providing you with the highest-quality olive oil and look forward to having it available again after the harvest in March. In the meantime, if you would like assistance finding an alternative product or if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We truly appreciate your understanding and continued support during this time. Thank you for being a valued customer. We look forward to serving you again with our fresh olive oil in March. Best regards, Olyfberg
Dear Client, We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you that our olive oil will be temporarily out of stock until March. This is because our next harvest, which is essential for producing our olive oil, will not take place until then. We understand how important this product is to your needs, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are committed to providing you with the highest-quality olive oil and look forward to having it available again after the harvest in March. In the meantime, if you would like assistance finding an alternative product or if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We truly appreciate your understanding and continued support during this time. Thank you for being a valued customer. We look forward to serving you again with our fresh olive oil in March. Best regards, Olyfberg